Written by Katelynn Williams
On August 20th, the Baltimore-based pop punk band, The Violet Violence released their debut EP “Above the Echoes” on all streaming platforms. The five-song EP includes the band’s 2021 singles “Novocaine,” “Second Wind,” and “Holding On (To Living Long)” as well as the tracks “Heart Up” and “Sleep It Off.”
Their debut EP has been a long time coming, as it was revealed on their Twitter that one of the songs on the EP had been written by The Violet Violence’s founding members Pat Collins and Tim Lyons while the two were still in college in 2017. Since the band’s formation in 2019, The Violet Violence has added Nick Patrick, Chandler Adams, and Bryan Dorbert to their lineup.
“Above the Echoes” opens with “Holding On (To Living Long),” the band’s latest single. The upbeat song sets the tone for the EP by opening with a bright guitar riff that is shortly followed with upbeat bouncing drums that drives the song and fills you with an overwhelming urge to start crowdsurfing.
The next song is my personal favorite off the EP, “Novocaine” which features the lyrics “you’ve got a lot of nerve to look me in the eyes and say that I’m the one who walked away.”
“Heart Up” features chanting background vocals that were personally a highlight of the EP. “Second Wind,” the second single off the EP showcases the complexity of conflicting feelings after ending a relationship perfectly, and the increasing tempo along with the addition of instruments throughout the bridge help “Sleep It Off” to complete the EP.
You can keep up with The Violet Violence by following them on Instagram @violetviolenceband and Twitter @thevioletvband! Make sure to let us know your thoughts on “Above the Echoes” by tweeting us @lgndsoftmrw.