Interview by: Alicia Dittman
Photos by: Rob Mckenney

Almost a year ago, I traveled to Richmond, VA to watch Rob McKenney shoot photos and film an acoustic video for a group of 4 guys. Their talent astounded me instantly. Many laughs and a day’s worth of work later, Telltale had found themselves a new fan and friend. When I asked them to do this interview, they more than happily obliged. I have now seen them play at least 4 times and there’s no stopping. Their live sets are energetic and the stage presence is incredible. They released an EP in 2017 titled Good Intentions, and after singing to Sharptone Records earlier this year, released an LP titled Timeless Youth.
For our readers, who don’t know you, tell us who Telltale is.
Tim Fogg: Telltale is a pop punk/alt rock quartet from the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia. The band is composed of John Carter (Vocalist), Bryce Marshall (Guitar), Tim Fogg (Bass), and Travis Slack (Drums)
You released an album in late April called “Timeless Youth.” - What has the reaction been from that release and how are you all feeling about it since then?
Bryce: Since we’ve put out Timeless Youth it’s been a whirlwind. We could have never imagined these tracks taking us this far and connecting with so many people. We’re thrilled that new and old friends have enjoyed what we created with Timeless Youth. We’re excited and hopeful for our future based on this release.
What are your favorite songs from Timeless Youth? In general and to perform?
Bryce: As a whole our our favorite track on this release is Rose. It has special vibe to it and showcases a bit of the direction that we would like to take Telltale.
I know a lot of people are asking about “Hereditary,” and how much that song means to them, so what does it mean to you?
Tim: You’re the first person to ask us a question about that song.

Well, I’ve heard people ask when you’re going to play it, etc. I know that it means a lot to other people, so I’m curious as to what it means to you.
Tim: Hereditary means a ton to me personally. It’s about how mental illness runs in my family. I wrote that song about my cousin who took his own life. It’s a very reflective song in that it constantly reminds me to check on the well-being of my friends and family. I’m glad that people are able to connect with it and I think it rounds out the record well. I’m not sure when we’re going to play that song. It’s very, very dark. Possibly at our next Richmond headliner, depending on the situation.
I know first-hand that it resonates with a lot of people, and that mental health does need to be talked about and it’s great that you all have a platform to do that with. It helps a lot of people just not feel so alone.
Tim: That’s awesome to hear; we all definitely appreciate that and are glad you can connect with it!
Those are both such great stories! Definitely memories that will stay with you forever!
Tim: Definitely, it was such a great tour.
You just got off the road with Divided Minds, tell us your favorite memories from this tour?
Tim: My favorite moment of the tour was the Divided Minds headliner in Phoenix. We played at this venue called Pub Rock and it absolutely packed out. The crowd was amazing and we met so many new friends that night
Travis: The last show of the tour was pretty special for me. Colorado Springs. Tour pranks on the last night are kind of standard practice but Sincerely, Me took the cake with a condom filled piñata and graffiti-ing our van. It’s always hard to say goodbye but I had a lot of fun that night.
So who in the band is the worst to share a van with?
Travis: I’m gonna vote Tim purely because smelly socks and snoring.
Alicia: Poor Tim!
Bryce: Yea Tim is a good call on that. He’s got random stuff everywhere.
Tim: They still love me.
You’re playing a festival at the end of August that Real Friends is headlining, tell us how that fell into place and how are you feeling going into it?
Bryce: We are all super excited to be on Forget Me Not Fest. We’ve been doing a lot of touring across the entire US this year and being able to have a massive show like this closer to home is really awesome. Travis and I used to jam Real Friends songs when we started playing music together so it’s kind of cool to be a part of something with them.
And the proceeds are going towards Alzheimer’s Research, correct?
Bryce: That is correct!
That’s a very cool thing to be a part of!
Okay, last question: What’s next for Telltale, fall tours, new music eventually?
Travis: All of the above. We have spent over half our year on the road and we don’t plan on stopping with the back half. Timeless Youth has been wonderful but it’s definitely time to start thinking ahead.
Awesome! Is there anything you’d like to say to everyone reading?
Travis: Don’t be scared to chase your dreams! I know that’s corny but there will always be 1000 excuses and it will never be the “right time.” It is scary sometimes but everyday I’m thankful that we chose this. 10 year old me would be stoked. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Gretzy
You can find Telltale on Twitter and Instagram @telltalerva – You can also find their music on Spotify and Apple Music. Go give them a follow, let them know you heard about them here and join the “Youth.”