Whether you define "heartland rock" as Bruce Springsteen or The Menzingers, chances are you wouldn't think to combine it with the more modern subgenre of "bedroom pop." Singer-songwriter Dylan Pacheco describes his music as just that, a cross between the two, which becomes evident in his latest release, "Youthful Exuberance."
From the get-go, the first track “Negative Space (Manic Panic)” had me hooked, between its 8-bit sounding drums and cheery Gameboy-esque synths. The Americana meets lo-fi production is simple and doesn’t get in the way of the passionate vocals, setting the stage for the rest of the EP.
Up next, we have “Boy Meets Void”, which is heavy on the coming-of-age indie film vibes. It feels as if Pacheco is facing existential dread and depression head-on, acoustic guitar in hand and ready to challenge whatever life throws his way.
Rounding out the end of the release is “Parvo”; I had initially thought this was named after the pup on the album cover, but this track tells the story of Pacheco's childhood dog getting sick and the events that followed. It’s simple, cute, and has a great dog barking sample tucked in.
Laced throughout “Youthful Exuberance” are lyrics touching on issues of isolation, depression, and mental health all around. These themes tie the EP together and become more apparent after a few listens, a feeling of sadness juxtaposed with lighter optimism.
Though simple on the surface, it's obvious that Dylan Pacheco put a lot of work into "Youthful Exuberance." In a time filled with so much unrest and tension, this was a welcome, endearing escape.
"Youthful Exuberance" is available to stream wherever you listen to music, and you can support Dylan Pacheco by following him on Twitter @DPacheco_Music and/or picking up some merch, including tees and cassettes. If you don't want to miss out on our upcoming interview with the artist himself, be sure to follow us on Twitter @lgndsoftmrw!