Written by: Alicia Dittman
Derived from a tweet sent out by Ben Schwartz of the hit TV show “Parks and Recreation,” I had the idea to grab a collection of albums and EPs that the contributors of Legends thought were sonically perfect. Maybe you’ll read something you had never thought of while listening to that album previously or find some new music to listen to. Either way, this list is sure to bring a smile to some faces.
“(This Is) Heaven” by Young Culture
It is the EP that has gotten me through the most and it also shows how much Young Culture has grown as a band. It's the perfect blend of slower tracks and faster ones to really show they can do anything. - Madison, Owner and Founder
“Chroma” by Cartel
This album was so underrated but so very beautiful. There’s something about an album that tells a story and flows seamlessly from one song into another, making it feel like an experience rather than an LP with 12 separate ideas on it. Cartel in their own right were vastly underrated as a band, and had a lot of potential. Chroma embodies that 100% - Alicia, Co-Owner
“So Wrong, It’s Right,” by All Time Low.
So Wrong, It’s Right not only is a cohesive soundtrack to the mid 2000’s movie that is our teen years but it also launched All Time Low’s career from opening band to MTV appearances. - Jac, Photographer & Writer.
“Blurryface” by Twenty One Pilots
Its extended metaphor is conveyed through such a diverse range of tracks that are all enjoyable and add to the narrative. - Emerson, Photographer
“Nothing Personal” by All Time Low
This album from the first line to the last is perfect. This album got me into pop punk and through a lot. There’s hit after hit but my personal favorite is “Stella”.I can’t name a bad song on the album and ten years later, it’s Nothing Personal to other albums but this is still my favorite album ever! - Brittany, Photographer and Writer
“If You Decide to Go” by Thisistoodifficult
Unquestionably a perfect EP from front to back. The relatable, yet heartbreaking lyrics and the quiet vocals throughout the EP make me feel I’m not alone in my emotions. - Julie, Writer
“Do You Feel” by The Rocket Summer is a time capsule of 2007 pop-rock perfection: a feel-good nostalgia trip that’s guaranteed to get stuck in your head for days on end. Bryce Avary crafted a collection of emotional ballads and high-energy jams that tug on the heartstrings in a way that few other albums can. To me, it’s perfect front to back and will always be timeless. - Ashley, Writer & Photographer
“Dark Divine’ by Like Moth To Flames
Dark Divine combines all of the elements that I enjoy about the genre and Like moths as a band, and it’s an album that has really helped me get more into the metal/hardcore community. - Jayme, Writer
“Nothing Happens” by Wallows
Instrumentally, it’s one of the best albums I've heard and between the album’s theme of the end of your youth and when i found the album it’s hard for me not to relate in some way with every song - Emily, Writer & Photographer
“No Closer To Heaven” by The Wonder Years.
This album is a work of art from start to finish. I discovered The Wonder Years about 3 years ago during a time where my life seemed to be going in every wrong direction. This album taught me how to deal with the demons I was fighting and how to come back on top. Absolute lyrical perfection. - Mari, Photographer
“The Black Album” by Metallica
This is my favorite album of all time because I was going through a lot as a teenager when it was released and it became my escape. I could sit and listen to it on repeat for hours. The intros to the songs were always my favorite. You immediately knew the song by a few guitar chords. - Jessica, Photographer
“After Laughter” by Paramore
After everybody (including the band themselves) thought that they were done, Paramore put out their best album to date titled “After Laughter”. The band didn’t hold anything back, writing about the hardships of returning to a once broken friendship and enrapturing the fading smile that occurs “after laughter.” Both lyrically and sonically, this is Paramore’s strongest album, without a single skip in sight. - Lexi, Writer
“Nothing Left To Love” by Counterparts
Counterparts, a melodic-hardcore band from Canada, released an exceptional album in November. The band experimented with some clean vocals and more, which contributed to how absolutely phenomenal the album truly is - Ashanti, Writer
“Some Nights” by Fun.
How do you get three hit tracks off a ten song album? By being perfect. This band only released two albums, but they’re known for those three hit tracks, and the rest of the album is just as good as those three. - Rachel. Photographer