Written by: Hannah Clough
Out of all the musicians struggling to release music in these trying times Grayscale definitely wasn’t on anyone’s list for new music. This reworked ep entitled “Live from the Barber Shop Studios” was an unexpected surprise to us all and as always Grayscale did not disappoint. It may only be 8 minutes long, but they took these songs in directions I never imagined them going and I honestly would love to more of their songs done like this. Since this is very short ep I can’t assess it as a whole so here’s a breakdown of each song starting with Baby Blue, at the beginning it sounds a lot like the original so I figured it wouldn’t be that different, but then the pre-chorus hits and I was blown away. The instrumentals especially the drums seem to be more profound in this adaptation and I love how they kept the horns in it. Next is What’s On Your Mind, if you went to any date on the Nella Vita Part 2 tour you’d immediately recognize it as the version they played live. Even though this song isn’t one of my favorites on the album, this song brought back so may memories of being in the pit with my friends at the Wilmington date where no one knew what to expect setlist wise and the band got us all with this one. The ep comes to an end with a different take on a fan favorite, Painkiller Weather is known for being a song causing heavy pits and tons of crowd surfers, but this rendition of it really makes you appreciate the song more. Out of the three this one is the most unique and unexpected version I believe, it took me a few listens to actually appreciate it because of the initial shock at first. Overall though short this is a pretty solid ep and was a nice little surprise to all the fans, we were all hit by the Sad Summer postponement and this doesn’t completely heal out hears, but it lessens the blow just a little bit. Remember to stay safe, wear a mask, follow the guidelines and take care of yourself so we can all get back to somewhat normalcy and who knows we may even get these versions live at some point. This Is my first piece as a writer for Legends so if you want to talk music or just be friends you can follow me on twitter @xMinexIsxGoldx or on Instagram @hannah_is_a_penguin716 .