Photo by: Nick Cavin
Interview by: Madison Boyce
A few weeks ago I got the chance to hop on a FaceTime call with my good friend Cody to talk about his band. If you haven't heard of Millington I highly recommend you give them a listen. Check out their new song "Misery" being released on 3/27. Check them out on their twitter and instagram to stay up to date in the world of Millington!
For those who have never heard of Millington, explain your sound.
Okay so, our sound is kind of like you would take Less Than Jake or Reel Big Fish and you would also take Blink-182 or more modern pop punk bands and then add the emo parts of bands like Dashboard Confessional. Then, you kind of just put all of those in a blender and that's what you get.
For you personally, who, or what, introduced you to playing music?
I mean I was always the kid who would sing at his desk and get yelled at by teachers. My first grade teacher would always let me do it, but my second grade teacher shut it down, so after that it was pretty much a forbidden fruit for me because, you know I couldn't sing at my desk anymore. When fifth grade rolled around the movie School of Rock came out and that was a huge influence for me to go out and get a guitar. Shortly after that, I heard American Idiot for the first time and that's when Billie Joe made me feel like I could be a rockstar. The feeling I had back then about like, “Oh my God. I want to do that.” that still hasn't left me.
If you could say anything to him, what would it be?
I think I would start by saying, “You ruined my life, in a good way.” You know like, “I didn't become an engineer because of you.” or something like that. “I want to be a rockstar, thanks.” But, in an endearing way because, those albums are still the holy grail for me. A part of my brain is still a kid when I hear them.
I know you produce all of Millington’s music yourself. What would you say the biggest struggle is with doing that?
I was reflecting on this today actually, so I have an answer ready. Basically the struggle is that I don't have a team. When I was in California and I was at the studio that did Blink-182 and stuff they had a full team. For me it's like, I'm doing everything. When I want to record an album or ep it takes me so long because I'm such a control freak and I have to do everything myself.
Out of every Millington song, what is your favorite? Why?
Out of the old songs, because I have been working super hard on the new album, I would have to say Cold In The City. Just because I have a lot of personal feelings with that song and I think it translated well into a song. Of the new songs I would have to say Misery.
What's your dream tour lineup? You can be on the tour or you don't have to be.
If it were me, I would be opening for a band like Green Day, that would be a dream for sure. If I was watching it would probably be like Green Day, Blink-182, and Less Than Jake. That would be my favorite to watch, if you threw us on there it would be my favorite to play.
I know from the bands socials and your own that there is new music in the works! When can we expect some of that released?
So, we don't have a label so all of the pressure is self created. It's good for me to pressure myself, but there was no real deadline other than the ones I’ve set up in my head. Basically I wanted to have something out, at least a single by the end of March. Then the ep very soon to follow.
If you had to choose 1 memorable show moment, what would it be?
Honestly, we've played a couple shows now, but the most memorable thing is our first show. I had no idea what to expect. Everyone knew the words and everyone was having a great time. That was awesome. I was like, “I want this. This is what I've always wanted. I'm on my way.” It's been recreated since then, but the magic of having a band and playing live for the first time was awesome.