Written by Julia Kender
In the Mourning released a new single, “If he wanted to, he would.” Not long after, the band released an accompanying music video.
Stylistically, the title not being completely capitalized, rather with proper punctuation makes it feel like an actual sentence. It makes it feel as if the title and the lyrics are telling someone, or even the singer herself, that she deserves more.
The lyric, “sometimes I hand on just a little too long,” feels as if the singer is speaking to herself, but it really resonates with her audience, as well.
The deepness Amanda Tran, frontwoman of In the Mourning, has in her voice is gorgeous. The song really accentuates the tone of her voice, as well as giving Tran freedom to artistically add in some incredible vocal runs.
Overall, the song itself feels like it should be screamed out of the window while you’re driving with your friends through the suburbs in the dead of winter.
Tran has been known to express her creativity in more ways than just music. In her Spotify bio, it lists her specialties also are in music video and short film production. When you watch the music video, you can see the creative hand that Tran had in the making of it.
Green is a color that’s become synonymous with In the Mourning. Not only is Tran’s hair color green, but their merch is also riddled with green themes. The band carried it over and made it the main color theme in the music video for “If he wanted to, he would.” It’s a great way for the band to create continuity across their brand.
The green themes were carried in with the band all wearing a varying shade of green, keeping a sense of the band as a whole, while still looking authentic to themselves individually. The color themes were also exhibited in the greenery and ivy featured in the background of the different scenes.
While some of the song and video feel very 2000’s pop punk, it all still feels so modern and new. You can tell there’s influence from the early 2000’s, yet it can stand as it’s own entity having been released in 2022. This song and video should definitely been on your top priority to watch and listen to this month.
Support In the Mourning by buying their merch or following them on Twitter @inthemourningLA.
Stream “If he wanted to, he would.” on all major music streaming platform now! Let us know what you think by tweeting us @lgndsoftmrw.