Written by Madison Boyce
The alternative-rock powerhouse known as House & Home released their newest track “Empty Handed” on April 30th, 2021. Last April they struck the music scene with their debut full-length record “Find Sense. Feel Love. Make Light.," and ever since then fans such as myself have been excited for more!
While “Empty Handed” does give the same fast-paced, rough sound as prior House & Home tracks, one can definitely hear the band's progress since then. They continue to outdo themselves with each release, which makes them a standout compared to any other band.
Lyrically speaking, the group might have released their strongest work yet. Starting the track off with the lines, “sleep in the morning / ignore life from your window”, one is thrown into an almost overwhelming feeling of self-dread.
That feeling is carried out throughout the four minute track, but it’s taken to the next level with the flawless vocals provided by front-man, Patrick Williams. As a longtime fan of House & Home, as well as this genre as a whole, it’s easy to say Williams is one of the strongest vocalists out there.
Something that stands out on each listen of “Empty Handed” is the drums provided by Matt Stumpf. They balance perfectly alongside the hard-hitting vocals, which makes for an overall perfect track.
Between their newest release “Empty Handed” and their previous release of “Find Sense. Feel Love. Make Light.,” House & Home has made their mark on the alternative-rock music scene. They will for sure be a band we all remember and show future generations, so don’t miss out while they’re on the rise!
"Empty Handed", as well as the rest of the House & Home discography, is available to stream wherever you listen to music. You can support the band by picking up some merch via Open Your Ears Records and following them on Twitter @HouseAndHomeRVA. Let us know what you think of the track by tweeting us @lgndsoftmrw!