Written by Julieta Vega
With split EPs becoming more popular, Hechael and Fit The Bill’s rendition shines the spotlight on what truly makes these releases special. Hechael made their name after releasing their debut single "Never Meant by American Football", and worked with Michigan punk band Fit The Bill on this project. The EP has a great contrast of acoustic and pop-punk tracks, showing the unique talents of both groups individually and exhibiting how well they go together.
Hechael is a two-piece duo that collaborates despite being in different locations. The previously mentioned breakout single "Never Meant by American Football" was released earlier this year and also appears in the EP. Hechael connects to listeners by singing about common experiences and emotions with tracks like "Dumblr" exploring the feeling of wanting to be with someone in person rather than just thinking about them.
The duo continues to appeal to fans' emotions in other tracks throughout the EP such as "Otis the Cow Says Perhaps" which focuses on the difficulty of moving on. In any sort of relationship, there is the struggle of trying to move forward in life, and Hechael illustrates that in the track.
Lastly, "Never Meant by American Football" describes the pain of trying to make a difference in someone else's life. Hechael details how they want to help someone else in their own life, but that effort is needed on both ends. The powerful lyricism closes out Hechael’s part of the EP perfectly, displaying soft, personal tracks that introduce new fans to their music.
Fit The Bill is a punk band from Port Huron, Michigan, and is also a two-piece like Hechael. While they only have two tracks on this EP, they definitely make the most of it.
"Your Song" has the sound of an early 2000’s pop-punk track coupled with upbeat lyrics. It reminds listeners of feelings of nostalgia, reminiscing hanging out with friends and savoring every moment with them.
"Home Tonight" was released as a single earlier this year, but also finds its home on this EP. It definitely has the same pop-punk influence as the previous track, describing the fun of being with friends, creating memories with them that you'll take with you into the future. Through these two tracks, Fit The Bill displays their talent while discussing light-hearted subject matter.
Hechael and Fit The Bill's split EP undoubtedly hit it out of the park; their contrasting lyrics and instrumentals fuse together perfectly. You can listen to it anywhere you stream music, and you can keep up with the bands on Twitter @hechaelwastaken and @fitthebillband.
(And before you go, make sure to look out for an interview with Fit the Bill coming to Legends of Tomorrow very soon!!!)