Written by Nick Garrastegui
Guardrail are making a triumphant return with their newest single, “Social Meteor.” We last saw the band with their EP “Yikes” which was released in 2020.
The track is a fun pop-punk summer song with a bit of an edgy twist. It begins with a chugging guitar accompanied by a pounding punk drum beat.
Once the vocals kick in, it merges into a more familiar pop punk track. From the lyrics to the instrumental, the song is catchy all around.
I found myself bobbing my head along to the track on my first listen and singing along to the chorus on the next.
The lyrical content is definitely fitting for the times we currently live in. “Social Meteor” deals with the search for validation across the internet and social media and it’s easy to decode within your first few listens.
It opens with the lines “There’s real human contact beyond my fingertips / But I couldn’t give a shit.” The lines feel like commentary on still being stuck in an online life while life regains some form of normalcy from the pandemic and they grabbed my attention immediately on my first listen.
Possibly my favorite lyrics of the song are in the chorus. The opening lines of "Why can't I come back down? / I'm stuck in the stratosphere" are a perfect metaphor for the rush you get with social media interaction.
The track's lyrics are easy to interpret without being too in your face, and the touch of subtlety definitely adds to its enjoyability.
Even on my first listen, it was easy to picture a crowd screaming along to every word. It’s a track that will have an audience on its feet, whether they’re familiar with the band or not.
“Social Meteor” is available to stream everywhere you listen to music, and you can pick up some merch from the band here! You can also follow the band on Twitter @GuardrailSucks.
You can let us know what you think of the new single by tweeting us @lgndsoftmrw!