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Good Noise Podcast Talks Good Noise Fest 2021 and More- Interview

Written by Madison Boyce

When I think of hardworking individuals I know, quite a few people come to mind. Amongst those people it's easy to say Shane and Glory of Good Noise Podcast are at the top of that list.

Forming the project roughy a year and a half ago the duo would wind up becoming one of the most vital parts of the current music scene. Giving a voice to up-in-coming artists as well as fan favorites, their hustle is extremely motivating.

Putting out almost daily interviews just wasn't enough for the duo! At the start of the pandemic they started holding live-stream events to help artists and fans during the hard times.

Their newest live-stream festival will be taking place on June 26th and 27th over on their Twitch! We got the chance to sit down with the masterminds behind Good Noise Podcast to ask them some questions about the project.

Madison Boyce: To start this off, both of you introduce yourself and Good Noise Podcast.

Shane: Hi I'm Shane!

Glory: Hi I'm Glory!

S: And we're the Good Noise Podcast!

G: We're a two piece podcast based out of Virginia (Glory).

S: And in New Jersey (Shane).

MB: What made you guys want to start a podcast in the first place? How did the whole project come to be?

S: Oh this is absolutely your question Glory.

G: It really is oh my god. Okay, basically Shane and I met in a Panic! at the Disco discord server that I started with my best friend awhile back. Shane joined and applied for staff, and he got denied haha.

S: THREE TIMES! I applied THREE TIMES! And two out of the three I was denied. I still hold a personal grudge against Glory for that, and I'm convinced she still hates me.

G: It's not my fault you weren't fit for the job at the time. I took that discord very seriously. (laughs) Anyways, the third time he was accepted and we didn't talk... at all.

S: Barely a few conversations a day, just kind of acquaintances.

G: Yeah exactly. So then I saw a staff team in another band discord server start up a radio station on youtube, and literally said "Hey we can do that, but better".

S: And so we and 6 other people became "Epic Beans Podcast". (laughs)

G: God I love and hate that name so much.

S: But yeah, that's basically our origin.

MB: In the past Legends of Tomorrow and Good Noise Podcast have collaborated to make a compilation for charity. Would you guys consider ever collaborating with another outlet?

S: We aren't against it! And we're definitely open to working with another outlet.

G: They aren't a news outlet but we recently did a tape drop with Knife Punch Records, absolutely love those people!

S: The tapes looked so hot.

G: So true bestie.

MB: From my personal experiences working with different musicians there's always a few special moments that stick out. Do you guys have any of those? If so, what are they and who are they with?

G: I'm gonna start this one, the first thing that comes to mind is our first interview with a band called "Happy.", I absolutely love them, and they were the first band we sent out an interview request for.

S: We didn't get a response, but I'm kind of happy we didn't because I know it would've been very awkward.


S: More awkward than it came out.

G: Okay true, but anyways, Shane and I called maybe a half hour before the interview just trying to calm down because I was so nervous. Genuinely felt like I was either gonna throw up or pass out. That's how much the interview meant to me.

S: She was a mess, it was hilarious.

G: SHUT UP SHUT UP. (laughs) You go, your turn.

S: Okay fine, mine is probably Stand Atlantic. We've wanted to interview them for the longest time and we had been trying to figure out times with their publicist for maybe a month straight?

G: Yeah about a month.

S: So Glory called me when we finally got it and I damn near shit my pants, I kid you not I nearly shit my pants. I was at work when she told me and all my co-workers checked to see if I was okay.

G: I was scared he was gonna die, but we were both "STOKED" as Shane would say.


MB: Looking at the lineup for your newest live-stream festival happening later this month, I see a lot of acts that I personally love! Who would each of you say your favorite band on the lineup is?

S: I'm excited to see everyone's set to be honest! It's really hard to compare all the sets because everyone has their own vibe and theme. This fest is gonna ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF.

G: I completely agree, you really just gotta tune in for this fest, we spent a lot of time working on it. And the bands put themselves out there for this one. I'm sure there's something for everyone!

MB: Going more into the lineup, there's a lot of artists you guys have worked with before. How does it feel to have built up such a prevalent music outlet where artists keep coming back and wanting to work with you more?

S: It feels fucking amazing, I don't understand why bands keep coming back.

G: OH MY GOD (laughs), stop stop. It feels great, I'm really happy we've been able to create an environment where bands and artists feel welcome enough to work with us again. Makes me really happy.

MB: Good Noise has done a few live-stream events before, but now that in-person concerts are coming back, do you guys still plan on doing virtual ones?

G: Okay so here's the funny thing. As we mentioned before, we're both based in different states. I think we checked on Google Maps and we're about 8, maybe 9 hours away from each other?

S: That sounds about right.

G: Yeah so doing an in person fest would be tricky as I'm still a kid, and I don't have a car or a license.

S: Most of your work would probably be done online anyways.

G: I know but still, I'd wanna be there for the WHOLE process you know?

S: Yeah I get it. Personally I really wanna do an in person fest, I feel like the energy there would be so sick.

G: Just gotta figure out how much money it would cost, where we could do it, and how to drag 50+ bands to a venue.

MB: Closing out, if you could say one thing to anyone reading this, what would it be?


G: I completely agree, but on top of that Black Lives Matter! Wear your masks, get vaccinated (if you can!), Stop Asian Hate, and be kind.

S: So true.

We want to give a huge thanks to Shane and Glory of Good Noise Podcast for taking the time to chat with us about their upcoming festival! Last November Good Noise Podcast and Legends of Tomorrow put out a Compilation filled with incredible bands on bandcamp and stickers for the National Independent Venue Association. We have some left so don't miss out!

You can keep up with Good Noise Podcast on Twitter @good_noise_cast and subscribing to their Twitch where Good Noise Fest will be held!


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