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Favorite Releases of 2021: Nick

Written by Nick Garrastegui

2021 was the year we started to see a hint of normalcy back in our lives. Bands were able to once again hit the road and resume touring and recording albums. Choosing only five releases was definitely difficult, but these selections were all in heavy rotation from their release day onward.

5. “Lifeforms” by Angels and Airwaves

Favorite Track: "Automatic"

How to Support: Merch via To The Stars, @AVABandOffical on Twitter

Though it was released to mixed reviews, “Lifeforms” quickly became a favorite of mine. This was Angels and Airwaves’ first album in seven years and is vastly different from 2014’s “The Dream Walker.” The album still retains the synth heavy sound the band is known for, but has some outliers with tracks like “No More Guns,” which feels more pop punk oriented.

The album also contains one of my favorite three song stretches I’ve heard on an album in a long time. The aforementioned “No More Guns” feels like it comes out of nowhere with how different it is to the previous three tracks, yet it flows perfectly into “Losing My Mind” which sounds more like typical Angels and Airwaves.

That then flows into my absolute favorite track, “Automatic,” which has seen a lot of praise for a non-single. It’s been compared to The Cure musically and I have to agree. It’s a sound that I think fits the band well and would like to see them explore more in the future.

4. “New Beginnings” by Until October

Favorite Track: "Soaked in Bleach"

How to Support: @Nick_Garra on Twitter, @AlexanderCarlinMusic on Instagram

In the effort of full transparency, yes this is my own band’s album. However, no one said your favorite albums can’t include your own!

“New Beginnings” was originally slated to come out in 2019, but due to general life circumstances and then covid, the band faced significant delays. Finally in summer of 2021, Alex Carlin was able to finish the vocals and I was able to finish mixing the album.

While it’s impossible to pick a favorite track, for me it would have to be "Soaked in Bleach". Arranging the entire song, especially the bridge, was one of the first times I felt like I was an actual producer and not just a student pretending to be one. And, while I’m slightly biased, I think the track is gorgeous overall.

And lost in this talk of myself is the man who made the EP happen, Alex Carlin. While I was writing the album he was there every step of the way listening to demos, helping with lyrics, and inevitably contributing vocals to it.

He’s been one of my very best friends for years now, and I’m looking forward to many more years of making music together with him.

3.“Dying Lately” by iAmJakeHill

Favorite Track: "State of Mind"

How to Support: @iamjakehill on Twitter, Merch via the official store

Though he’s become an internet meme through his side project Ur Pretty’s song “Keep Riding Me,” Jake Hill has been making serious music for years. I originally started listening to him after his 2020 release “Autumn Gloom” and was highly anticipating his next release.

“Dying Lately” did not disappoint. It saw Hill start to blend more instruments into his typical hip-hop style and even saw three straight up pop-punk songs. Hill’s ability to not only blend elements within a song, but within an album, is incredible.

With such a diverse album, there’s something for everyone on there.

2. “A Tear in the Fabric of Life” by Knocked Loose

Favorite Track: "Where Light Divides the Holler"

How to Support: @KnockedLoose on Twitter, Merch via Pure Noise

Knocked Loose is one of the biggest bands in hardcore right now, and for good reason. They have a sound that’s undeniably their own and continue to push boundaries within it at all times. In every project they do, it’s easy to see the artistic vision and effort they put into every small detail.

“A Tear in the Fabric of Life” took the scene by storm on release day. The 21 minute EP was accompanied by an animated short film that takes the listening experience to another level.

“Where Light Divides the Holler” opens the album and quickly became my favorite even before the song actually started. It begins with a short compilation of Knocked Loose adjacent songs and sounds, such as the ending of “In The Walls”, “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” and the track that ends “Deadringer.”

These small details enhance the listening experience that much more, making the album more than just an album and more of an artistic experience.

1. “Below” by Beartooth

Favorite Track- “Below”

How to Support: @BEARTOOTHband on Twitter, Merch via Official Store

Speaking of artistic experience, “Below” is number one on this list for that very reason. Caleb Shomo continues to show that he is one of the best creators in this scene by releasing impeccable albums, and “Below” is no different.

Shomo had full creative control over this release, doing everything from writing and arranging to mixing and mastering. The album is unequivocally his best work yet. From the instrumentals to the lyrics, Shomo’s ability to convey emotion in every aspect of a song is unmatched. It’s especially impressive on the closing track “The Last Riff,” an entirely instrumental track that wraps up the listening experience beautifully.

My absolute favorite track is the title track. Beartooth have consistently written incredible album openers and “Below” might just be their best. The opening lines of “I feel the rage /Something's starting to grow / Six hundred sixty-six feet / In my hell below” still stand out every time I listen to it. The transition to the full band section, with drums that are so deeply “in the pocket” for a metal track, have given me chills even after numerous listens.

Were any of these releases in your top favorites from 2021? Let us know on Twitter @lgndsoftmrw!


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