Written by Hannah Clough
There were many surprising releases this year so it was definitely hard to narrow down which to write about as my favorites. After a long think, I decided these five stood out the most to me!
5. "Thoughtz and Prayerz" by Heart Attack Man
Favorite Track: "Leap Year"
How to Support: Merch via Official Artist Website, @HeartAttackMane on Twitter
I just recently got into Heart Attack Man, but their most recent EP still had a lasting impact. “Leap Year” is a track expressing all too familiar feelings about life expectancy.
If you haven’t had a chance to check "Thoughtz and Prayerz" out, I highly recommend it! You can also catch Heart Attack Man on their upcoming North American tour this spring where they'll be playing these incredible tracks live.
4. "Torn in Two" by Real Friends
Favorite Track: "Storyteller"
How to Support: Official Artist Website, @realfriendsband on Twitter
Real Friends had a lot to prove coming back into the scene with new music with a brand new vocalist. This EP has some of their strongest work to date. “Storyteller” is one of those songs that leave you speechless, everything from its instrumentals to its live presence is incredible.
3. "Ever Blossom" by This Wild Life
Favorite Track: "Last Call for the Heavy Hearts"
How to Support: Official Artist Website, @thiswildlife on Twitter
While I’m a huge fan of classic punk breakdowns and mosh pits, but sometimes you need to chill out and relax. This album fits those vibes perfectly.
This Wild Life always deliver in terms of articulation and lyrics, which is why “Ever Blossom” made its way into my top five. I haven’t had the chance to hear any of the tracks live, but I’m sure we’ll get quite a few on the upcoming tour surrounding the release.
2. "Godspeed" by Young Culture
Favorite Track: "simplemindedteens"
How to Support: Equal Vision Records Website, @YoungCultureNY on Twitter
This one should come to no surprise as Young Culture are always putting out solid releases. If you’re not on the Young Culture train yet, this EP is the perfect introduction.
There’s no way they’re slowing down, especially after being added to stacked lineups such as the Umbra tour and the upcoming Bearings headliner. “Simplemindedteens” is just a feel good track that’s dripping with youthful nostalgia.
1. "Umbra" by Grayscale
Favorite Track: "Dreamcatcher"
How to Support: Official Artist Website, @GrayscalePA on Twitter
After the year of turning their instagram feed into a Pinterest ad, we finally got "Umbra"! It’s definitely experimental for Grayscale, but I think it holds some of the best tracks in their discography.
“Dreamcatcher” being one of those, the underlying meanings behind each song is what put it in the number one spot. On the Umbra tour, where they played the record in its entirety gave fans a new appreciation for tracks such as “Carolina Skies”.
All in all this has been a phenomenal year for new music, but Grayscale took my number one spot with "Umbra"!
Were any of these releases in your top favorites from 2021? Let us know on Twitter @lgndsoftmrw!