Written by Brandon George
It’s always a refreshing feeling finding some delicious pop-punk. The latest killer release comes from Irish rockers Crown the King’s debut EP, “Groundhog Day.” Hot off the heels of a series of singles from 2021, the group have released a collection of four engaging tracks, one flowing right into the next in a smash debut that is guaranteed to turn some heads.
The group’s sound is an awesome surprise for a debut release. The guitars are immense, the drums fit squarely into the mix, punching when they need to and grooving when they don’t. The lyrics are able to capture a sense of universality while also invoking specific themes of repetition and progress throughout.
The vocal production in particular is gripping. In “I Miss You (But I Don’t Feel Bad)” harmonies are implemented subtly so as to increase the melodic power of the section without detracting from the isolated feel. This contrasts directly with the powerful gang vocals of “Groundhog Day” that similarly are able to add grandiose scale and power to the song while still allowing the lead vocals to be the key focus.
Even more, “Running On Empty” features a beautiful section in its closing moments where a second voice layers in beneath the chorus with the band playing their hearts out for a moment of pure collective bliss.
If these songs—and the singles the band has released previously—are any indication, Crown the King are carving themselves a definitive space in pop-punk.
“Groundhog Day'' is out now on all streaming services, and the music video for “Groundhog Day” can be found here.
Keep up with Crown The King by following them on Twitter @CrownTheKingIRE. Let us know what you thought of this album lgndsoftmrw.