Written by: Madison Boyce
On August 5th, Machine Gun Kelly released his newest single titled, “concert for aliens”. With the past few singles he has released it's very clear that he has been taking a more pop punk route with this era of his music. According to his socials he is releasing a new record this year (date TBA) with Blink-182’s drummer Travis Barker, named, “Tickets To My Downfall”.
The closing track on “Hotel Diablo”, his previous record, shows where he started to branch into more pop punk elements in his songs. On that track titled, “I Think I'm OKAY”, he is accompanied with features from Barker and UK alternative artist Yungblud.
With “concert for aliens”, the opening lines definitely relate to what is going on in the world right now. The news recently is definitely not good at all and with “The headlines say ‘The world is over’ / What ever happened to a fairy tale ending?” MGK portrays that very well.
In my opinion, Machine Gun Kelly is doing the whole pop punk thing very well which I don't think people expected it from a rapper. This single is definitely making me excited for “Tickets To My Downfall” later this year.