Written by Megan Langley
Over the last few years, Bearings have quickly become one of my favorite modern pop-punk bands in the scene. The band’s first two albums “Blue In The Dark” and “Hello, It’s You”, each landed spots on my album of the year lists in the respective years they came out, and the Canada-based quartet have impressed me yet again with their latest track, “Shaking Your Mind.”
The primary guitar riff driving the song is extremely catchy (and foreshadows just how memorable the rest of the song is going to be). Those guitars, along with the bass and drums, bring quite a lot of energy to it from the moment it begins.
The vocal hooks throughout the track are fantastic as well, and the vocal talent of front-man Dougie Cousins is displayed very well early on in the track, as well as later on during the second verse. The chorus, like that aforementioned guitar riff, is undeniably catchy, and this band is skilled at writing choruses that are this anthemic.
Lyrically, the track seems to be about the downfall of a relationship, where, at least from the perspective of one person in it, things just don’t feel the same anymore. Some lines such as “shaking your mind over everything I know, and I’ve got a memory of a pre-existing soul”, reflect on the way things were in the past.
The chorus in particular does a really good job of encapsulating this theme, as the line “sometimes I love her, sometimes I could never let her go” is reminiscing on the good times the couple had, while “sometimes we’re so broken in my mind” explains the complications of the relationship and the difficulty of accepting that it just wasn’t meant to be in the end.
With “Shaking Your Mind,” Bearings have released yet another modern pop-punk hit.
“Shaking Your Mind” is available on all streaming platforms. Be sure to keep up with Bearings on Twitter @bearingsband! If you’ve heard the song, let us know what you think by tweeting us @lgndsoftmrw!