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'Finding God Before God Finds Me'- Bad Omens Review

Written by: Jayme Stewart

Bad Omens released their studio album titled Finding God Before God Finds Me on August second of this year. The album features 10 songs, running about 42 minutes long- and fans were wondering what direction this album would go in.

The first song is called Kingdom of Cards and it is one of the most unique songs I have heard from them. The sound of it is something that cannot be easily explained- it is so catchy and has such a powerful aura to it that it draws people in so easily. It is a very heavy hitting song, and it matches soft instrumentals with strong lyrics and a very powerful delivery. This is an amazing song to open an album on, it really paints a good picture of what the album will be and shows the emotions they are going for. This is a song that people are really going to enjoy. 

The second track is titled Running in Circles. Right away it starts with a heavier instrumental than the previous track, but they manage to flow together well. This song is all around heavier, more of the classic Bad Omens sound, and it is so good. The lyrics are heavy hitting, and I liked that you can still make out what he is saying with his screams. His screams sound so solid, and his singing in the chorus is solid as well- this song is a heavy hitter that carries so much force behind it.

The next track is Careful What You Wish For. This track stands out a lot, it features a very interesting instrumental and fluctuates between softer vocals to heavy hitting vocals. This is a very catchy song that has catchy lyrics- it seems like a song a lot of people would enjoy since it has a lot of different elements to it. I really like the angle they took for this song, and so far the album is looking very promising. 

The next track is titled The Hell I Overcame. This track has a very solid instrumental, the drums are very heavy hitting right from the start, and it builds up to be a pretty heavy song. The screams are solid again, and they are able to pair them very well with the instrumental and backing track to make it hit with a lot of impact. This song is heavy and loud, it’s aggressive- it’s a lot of what Bad Omens is, and I think that this song is a good one on the album for the heavier fans. 

The sixth track is called Dethrone and it is one of my personal favorites from the album. It has a lot of heavy elements to it, but they still are able to make it very catchy. It can be hard to balance the aggression with flow so seeing that they were able to do that is impressive. Aside from just being good on the ears- this song also has great lyrics. They’re powerful and have the power that Bad Omens always delivers. This song is very Bad Omens-esque, and it is all around an enjoyable song.

The next track is called Blood, and this is another solid song. It doesn’t stand out as much to me as some of the other songs do on the album- but it’s still really good. The flow of the song is really good, it does get a little repetitive at parts but I do not think that it is a bad song. It’s in between being heavy and soft, which is a good mixture to have, the instrumental is heavy and there are screams but it is not as heavy as some of the other songs on the album.

The next track is titled Mercy, and this track has a really unique sound to it. It starts off pretty soft and then gets heavier, and again the heavy parts remain very catchy and add a lot to the song. I like that they went between the softer parts to heavier parts, it broke the song up really well and made the chorus even heavier hitting. This track carries a lot of emotion and has some really unique flows to it since they do use a lot of elements in it. This song is definitely one of the best off of the album.

The eighth track is titled Said & Done. The opening instrumentals for this song are so good- they are heavy hitting and make the listener feel a lot of emotions. The vocals of this song are so good too, it has a bit more singing which is nice to hear from them. The song has such a good song to it, and the chorus really makes it stand out even more. It is very strong and impactful, it hits with a punch and a lot of listeners are going to like this song. It goes from softer verses with emotional lyrics to the louder angry chorus which I think was a very smart way of making the song. 

The next track is Burning Out, this song is beautiful. It goes from a soft verse to one of their best choruses they have made. The chorus is so heavy hitting, it is full of emotion and carries so much more than just the lyrics. It is the type of song that really feels like it is doing something. It is such a strong song, they were able to mix the singing and heavier vocals so well, and the emotion of the song was so wonderfully shown. The lyrics of this song are so good, they are something a lot of people would be able to relate to, and overall this song is amazing.

The last song on the album is If I’m There. This song was perfect to end on, it feels like a good conclusion to the album. It stays pretty soft throughout the song until the last minute and a half or so- which was a smart choice. The album was so heavy and diving between soft verses to heavy hitting choruses and screams, so to end on a piece that really shows that progression was a good way to end the album. The lyrics to this song are so good, and I think that this song is one of the best off the album as well.

Overall, this album definitely lived up to the hype. There is always that sense of doubt going into listening to albums that got so much praise from the very start, but this album definitely lived up to that. It has so many good elements, and I think that this album will be seen on a lot of people’s top albums of 2019. It is extremely heavy hitting, the lyrics are good, the instrumentals are so impressive- and overall this album deserves all of the positive attention that it got.


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